Ruder Preserve Restoration community meeting planned


OXFORD — Three Valley Conservation Trust is restoring Ruder Preserve (corner of Bonham Road and Shadowy Hills Drive – near the Bonham bridge.) An open meeting is scheduled to begin discussions about next steps in this restoration. Monday, April 3; 5:30 p.m., at the Knolls.

Clearing invasive species has begun, and TVCT wants to make improvements that will best benefit the community.

What would residents like to see happen to this 14-acres of woods and stream? Some want a trail suitable for elderly and handicapped to use (wide and hard-surface). Others want the area to remain minimally accessible (narrow path; not hard-surface) Some want a small parking at the very entrance of Ruder for handicapped parking. Others shudder at the thought. Some want benches, tables, educational signage, etc. Others think these amenities would be attractive nuisances. What do you want for this area?

To assess these and other concerns, Three Valley Conservation Trust invites the public.

R-H Staff

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