Writer: set aside personal agendas, think about students



With the upcoming elections, I would like to express my strong support for Preble Shawnee’s Levy and Bond Issue. As a Preble Shawnee teacher, I make every effort to make sure I am putting the students of Preble Shawnee first. Nine years ago when the district hired me to be a teacher, I knew I had an obligation to the students and community of Preble Shawnee. I was trusted to provide the students of Preble Shawnee with a quality of education. To achieve this, I must always put the students first.

Therefore, I am asking you to set aside all personal agendas and think strictly about the students. Do the students need and deserve new learning environment? To me, this is an obvious yes, because a price cannot be attached to a quality education.

After gathering the facts, I am completely sold on the district’s proposal of building two new schools. It is obvious that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the Preble Shawnee community. As a teacher within the district, I know our students need and deserve updated resources and facilities. The students of Preble Shawnee are currently receiving a great education. However, updated resources and facilities will only provide students with a deeper and richer learning experience; thus, making them even more prepared for the 21st century workforce. Ron Lewis once said, “Ensuring quality higher education is one of the most important things we can do for future generations.”

One of the most striking facts about the proposal is that if the community does not pass the levy, the district will almost certainly be forced to ask the community for an operating levy. If life has taught me anything, it is better to be proactive instead of reactive. I think the decision is simple. Either pay for 35 percent of new buildings now or significantly more later for repaired buildings.

On Nov. 7, community members will set the path for Preble Shawnee Local School District for the extended future. Vote “yes” and put in motion an era of prosperity and success or vote “no” and place the school under immediate financial strain. Please vote yes on Issue 18 to improve Preble Shawnee’s schools. The students’, school’s, and community’s future depends on your vote.

Arrow pride!

Dr. Kurt Schulze

West Carrollton

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