PC Recorder launches online system


PREBLE COUNTY — Preble County Recorder Jeanne A. Creech has launched a new records management application, CountyFusion(tm), powered by Kofile Technologies, Inc.

CountyFusion(tm) provides a comprehensive solution to expedite the processing of land records and other recordings and supporting financials. It also provides a user-friendly search portal for staff and public users visiting the County and online.

Indexes from Dec. 14, 1999 forward are available online. Patrons can access the site at https://countyfusion2.kofiletech.us. Go to Ohio and click on Preble County to begin a search.

The new link is also available on the Preble County website (prebco.org) and on the Ohio Recorder’s Association website (www.ohiorecorders.com).

Contact the Recorders office at 937-456-8173 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday with any questions.


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