Writer: ‘resist more taxation’



Two taxes have expired and you have not yet seen the relief from both. An income tax on your weekly pay should be there and a property tax. You will see the results of less property tax when your house payments are reduced due to lower escrow payments .

Freedom from taxation is always welcome.

Many college buildings are hundreds of years old and still in use today. After all, buildings do not teach pupils, people do. Let us keep and hire the best teachers our money can afford. Our Preble Shawnee school buildings are safely working as purposed. There is a surplus of $12,000,000 in our school fund. Plenty for maintenance and updates.

While the prospects are better for the American economy, the wage increases of the general populace are not yet realized, until then we need less tax burden, not more. The state of Ohio has offered financial help for building schools before and will continue to do so. This latest offer of funds is not a “now or never, do or die ” situation.

When property taxes go up, house payments go up and rent payments can go up also. It all falls on your back. Vote no on new school buildings May 2. Resist more taxation, exercise your right to vote. Be strong and of good courage. Live in freedom. You are at liberty to choose to keep more of your own money. Hallelujah!

David Akers


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