Bigham supporting Robertson



I am writing this letter in support of Denise Robertson’s re-election for county commissioner.

Denise Robertson has proven during her term that she is able to stand up and fight for cutting costs, and keeping our taxes from rising. Denise doesn’t just say that she is for lowering taxes, she actually acts on what she says.

Denise Robertson believes in limited government in all aspects. She understands that the taxpayer isn’t a never ending source of income to feed a bloated government. Denise Robertson has fought to keep the county budget stable, and to keep the county from imposing unneeded taxes to accommodate elite spending.

I believe Denise Robertson is the taxpayers’ friend, and is the most qualified candidate for the position of Preble County Commissioner.

I encourage you to vote with me for Denise Robertson on March 15.

John Bigham, Jr.

New Paris

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