Advisory council representative sought for Preble County


PREBLE COUNTY — Consider helping older adults in your community by representing your county on the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council. We currently seek a representative for Preble County. The Advisory Council advises the AAA Board of Trustees regarding administration of federal and state funds for services to people age 60 and older, and other issues impacting older adults and their caregivers.

The Advisory Council is composed of three representatives from each of the nine counties in our service area. The Preble County opening begins on April 1, and runs through March 31, 2027, at which point may be renewed for up to two terms. The Advisory Council meets online until further notice.

Visit for more the position description and application form. Applications are due Feb. 23.

For additional information, contact Kelsey Snowden, Communications & Training Coordinator, 937-341-3020 or [email protected].

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