Spring forward, stay safe


OHIO — It’s Daylight Saving Time again! Longer, brighter days are ahead. This is also a great time to think about safety.

Fire safety experts have long used Daylight Saving Time as a reminder to test your home smoke alarms and change their batteries, if necessary.

Smoke alarms should be installed inside each bedroom, outside every sleeping area, and on each level of your home.

Mount smoke alarms on the ceiling or high on a wall.

At least monthly, test your smoke alarms and vacuum dust and cobwebs from your alarms.

Know the sound your smoke alarms make and make sure you can hear it at night.

For alarms with removable batteries, change the battery at least once each year and immediately if your alarms start to “chirp.”

Consider upgrading to newer smoke alarms with batteries that do not need to be replaced.

Replace smoke alarms of any type when they are 10 years old.

Explore more fire prevention and safety tips.

This is also a great time to look around your home – or a loved one’s home – for common falls hazards that can be easily removed.

Look for ways to increase the lighting in your home, such as lamps, night lights, brighter bulbs, and lighter window coverings.

Clean up clutter and make sure you have clear walkways throughout your home.

Remove loose throw rugs or secure them to the floor with tape or tacks.

Check stair handrails and have them repaired if they are loose or damaged.

Use a non-slip mat or strips on the floor of your bathtub or shower.

Store food, dishes, and kitchen cooking equipment within easy reach.

From Ohio Dept. of Aging

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