Resident asks ORR: ‘Will you be here to clean up the damage?’



As the issue of potential solar panels being raised on Preble County farmland continues to surface, it is understandable that neighbors of the projects have many questions and find themselves frustrated. What are the negative affects? Who really profits from the solar panels? What will happen to the land and nature surrounding the solar panels? I have a few questions of my own that may be best answered by Doug Herling and Open Road Renewables, the company attempting to build these solar panels.

I have many reasons why I do not want solar panels on viable agricultural land in Preble County, one being my love for the calm countryside.

Our county is beautiful, from the warm, sparkling sunsets falling over our family farms, to the soft sounds of nature in our backyards. Another reason I do not want these solar panels is the respect I have for generations before me. I am proud to be the fifth generation living on my family farm that is in danger of being disturbed by these proposed solar panels. I am proud of my father, mother and all farmers that have ever worked hard in the barns and fields of this county.

Agriculture is the backbone of this county and farming is our proud tradition. If we were to allow this viable farmland to be destroyed by solar panels, we would not only be doing a disservice to this county’s agricultural industry but to this county’s past farmers who worked hard to feed America.

So, I ask Doug Herling and Open Road Renewables, after you invade this beautiful, peaceful county, will your 3-year-old company be there to clean up the damage? Or will you sell the solar project within a year to a foreign company like you did in Brown County?

Kate Clippinger

Gasper Township

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