Veterans News

American Legion Post 215.

Mexican Dinner on Friday, June 19.

We have human foosball! Come out and give it a try.

The post has monthly dinners and dances. Call 456-5767 for information. The post opens at 2 p.m. daily.

Regular members’ meeting 2nd Monday at 7 p.m.; Sons’ Squadron Meeting 2nd Wednesday at 7 p.m.; Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting 1st Thursday at 7 p.m. Chicken Fry monthly on 1st Friday 6-8 p.m. Pork Chop Dinner on the second Friday, from 6-8 p.m.

Dancing every Wednesday evening 4-7 p.m., with Country Classic Band. $3, single; $5,couple.

The hall is available for public rental. 40 X 50 feet area, seating capacity of 138. Call Bonnie Cole at 456-9173.

American Legion Post 322

Enjoy Old-time Country and Western music every Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. with the Senior Fun Bunch. This includes coffee and snacks with no cover charge and is open to the public at James E. Ryan Post 322, 477 Ohio 503 S. Ladies Night is every Wednesday. Rock the Jukebox on Friday, June 19, from 8-midnight. Call the Canteen at 839-4825 or watch Facebook for any updates.

DAV meetings

Disabled American Veterans meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Post #322 at 1477 503 South in West Alexandria. Members are encouraged to attend. Veterans looking for a home legion are welcomed to come. Active duty and younger veterans are encouraged to become members as well.

VFW Post 8066

The VFW 8066, 401 W. Lexington Rd., Eaton, holds it monthly meetings on the First Monday of each month. The Ladies Auxiliary meets the second Monday of the month; the Men’s Auxiliary meets the third Monday of the month. For more information, call 937-456-5281.

PC Veterans Service ID Cards

Preble County Veteran Services is now offering honorably discharged veterans the opportunity to have a picture identification card. You may obtain your ID card at Veterans Services at no cost to you. You must bring a copy of your DD214 verifying character of discharge. For additional information you may contact Veterans Services at 937-456-6111.

“We Care” Program

In an effort to acknowledge the sacrifices of our local veterans and to promote spending within our own community, Preble County Veteran Services has launched a new program entitled “We Care”. Veteran Services will supply local honorably discharged veterans with an official “picture identification card” which would be presented to local businesses when making their purchases. The veteran would then receive a discount from the total cost of the purchase. We have sixteen businesses’ currently enrolled in the program. If your business would like to participate in this program, contact Veteran Services at 108 N. Barron St., Eaton.