Senior edition

EATON — It’s Time For Bingo! Bingo takes place the third Friday of every month at the Preble County Senior Center, located at 800 E. St. Clair Street in Eaton. The games begin at 2 p.m. The sponsor for bingo on Friday, Nov. 20, is Forest Park Health Campus.

Join Us for “Lunch with Jake”

The Preble County Senior Center is offering a new activity called “Lunch with Jake”. Join us on Monday, Nov. 23 from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. Jake Dailey is a volunteer with the U.S. Veterans Administration. “Lunch with Jake” is an opportunity for veterans to ask questions and get information about services available through the Veterans Administration while enjoying lunch in the Decade’s Diner at the Senior Center. Jake also has a lot of knowledge about Preble County. In addition, Jake wants input about possible trips that would be of interest to men. He will also provide information about activities at the Senior Center that would be of interest to men. “Lunch with Jake” will take place the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month.

Scrapbooking Club to meet

Do you have an interest in scrapbooking? Would you like to learn how to make scrapbooks? The Scrapbooking Club, with instructor Pam Barr, will meet on Nov. 25 at 10:30 a.m. at the Preble County Senior Center. For more information, contact Stacey Copes at 937-456-4947.

Diabetes Support Group. Just a reminder that the monthly Diabetes Support Group Monthly Meeting is on hiatus until January 2016. There are no meeting in November and December due to the holidays.

Agency Closed for Holiday. The Preble County Council on Aging offices, the Preble County Senior Center, and the Decade’s Diner will be closed on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Normal business operations will resume on Monday, November 30.

Holiday Food Basket Applications and Donations Sought. Applications and donations are being accepted for the Preble County Council on Aging Annual Holiday Food Baskets. The baskets will be distributed to seniors in need on Thursday, December 17. Applicants for the Holiday Food Baskets must meet the federal poverty guidelines (all household member incomes combined). You must bring proof of income when you apply. Applications must be completed in person at the Preble County Senior Center, 800 East St. Clair Street, Eaton. Deadline for applications is December 1. Call 937-456-4947 for more information.

Donations of non-perishable items such as laundry soap, dish soap, napkins, canned goods to serve 1-2 people, and single-serve cereal packets such as oatmeal or cream of wheat are needed for the Holiday Food Baskets. Please note that any donation will be appreciated. Monetary donations are also requested. All monetary donations up to $1,200 will be matched by Stephen Hamm, Elizabeth Smith, and Barbara Weadick in memory of their parents, Joe and Hazel Hamm.

Bring all donations to the Preble County Senior Center between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

HEAP Assistance Available. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency’s Office of Community Assistance (OCA). It is designed to help eligible low-income Ohioans meet the high costs of home heating. If you are eligible for assistance, the amount of your one-time HEAP benefit wilI depend on federal funding levels, how many people live with you, total household income, and the primary fuel you use to heat your home. In most cases, the one-time benefit will be a credit applied to your energy bill by your utility company (or fuel vendor). Bev Shindeldecker, Preble County Council on Aging I&R Specialist, is available to help seniors determine eligibility, complete paperwork, and answer questions regarding

HEAP. You can make an appointment to meet with Bev by calling 937-456-4947 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Medicare Open Enrollment Now Taking Place. Every year, Medicare’s open enrollment period is October 15 – December 7. If you are in a Medicare health or prescription drug plan, you should always review the materials your plans send you, like the “Evidence of Coverage” (EOC) and “Annual Notice of Change” (ANOC). If your plans are changing, you should make sure your plans will still meet your needs for the following year. If your satisfied that your current plans will meet your needs for next year and it’s still being offered, you don’t need to do anything. For more information about Medicare Open Enrollment, contact Bev Shindeldecker (I&R Specialist at the Preble County Senior Center) at 937-456-4947.

Quilt raffle fundraiser

This beautiful full-size scrap quilt was pieced together by the “Silver Threads and Golden Needles” sewing group at the Senior Center. It was quilted by volunteer Janice Lawson. The quilt is on display at the Senior Center. Proceeds from the raffle will benefit the Preble County Senior Center. The drawing will be held on Friday, Dec. 11. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. Tickets may be purchased at the Preble County Senior Center located at 800 East St. Clair Street in Eaton. For more information, call 937-456-4947.

Join Us at the Thursday Night Weekly Dance

The Thursday Night Dance is held from 5-8 p.m. at The Grange at 501 Nation Avenue, Eaton. The Silvertones, a local band from Camden, will provide an enjoyable evening of classic rock & roll and country music for your listening and dancing pleasure. Band members include Michael Powers on piano; Mike Buckley, lead guitar; Danny Witt, bass; and Gary “Pete” Peters on drums. The dance features delicious food, with a $1 menu, a 50/50 drawing, and door prizes. Admission is $3 per individual/$5 per couple. Join us for a fun evening!

Have you visited the Decade’s Diner for lunch? If not, you are missing out on this unique location with its distinctive 1950’s decor and memorabilia, including a juke box and graffiti wall. Located at the Preble County Senior Center, 800 East St. Clair Street in Eaton, the Decade’s Diner is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Chose from the daily special, combo, or the regular menu. Don’t forget to order one of the delicious homemade desserts! The Decade’s Diner is open to the public and all ages are welcome. Carry-out is available. Call 937-456-4947 to place your order.

Volunteers needed

The Preble County Council on Aging needs volunteers to help deliver meals to seniors and homebound individuals in the county. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday, except holidays. Volunteer drivers work two to three hours a day delivering meals in their personal vehicle. Volunteer drivers have a dedicated route and can work one, two or more days per week or just one day per month. Adult drivers of any age are eligible to volunteer. Volunteer drivers receive mileage reimbursement. If you would like to volunteer or need more information, please call Ashley Bowers, at 937-456-4947.

Many exciting events, trips, and activities are planned for seniors in Preble County in coming months. Check out our website or Facebook pages for the latest news. Membership at the Senior Center is only $10 a year. In addition to other benefits, members automatically receive our bi-monthly “Senior Scene” newsletter, which features all the latest news. The menu is also included in the newsletter. Visit our website for more information:

By Karen Lowery

For The Register-Herald

Reach Karen at 937-456-4947.