Letters to Santa: Mrs. Wike’s class at Bruce Elementary

Dear Santa

For Christmas I want a Lego set, baseball gloves, drone, basketball, baseball bat, four wheeler, dirtbike, number 11 jersey on the Cardinals team, number 21 jersey on Dallas Cowboys team, number 4 jersey on the Dallas Cowboys team, a elf, a reindeer, a football, a ps5. I think I should get them because at home I am trying my best to be the best kid ever. In school I am being amazing. At home I do all of my chores. At home I am responsible. I hope you bring me everything I want for Christmas.


Matt Jones.

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? You are amazing to me. I wish you and your elves happy holidays. I wish that everyone would pick up trash on the sidewalk. I would like a bunch of Shopkins, 100 candy canes,a Dreamcatcher,some Swedish Fish,and a pair of shoes. The reason I should get this is because I got perfect attendance two times I do good

in school I do what I’m told to. When my mom says go to bed I go to bed fastly because she told me to. I am

not mean. I don’t bite. I’ve never gotten grounded in my life.


Brooklyn Patterson

Dear Santa,

I’ve been really astonishing this year so I thought I would ask for some presents. I want high top converse. I want a nightmare before Christmas mini backpack. I want some vans. I want my family to be healthy. I want my family to be safe. I should get these presents because I got straight A’s and it was really good. I behaved.


Addison Hopkins

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, how are you? I’m being good.This year I want a ps5, 100ch,a gold hoverboard, a Lambo. I feed my dog when my mom tells me to and I am good at home. I help my mom when she needs me to. I open the door for my dog and shout for my dog If he runs out the door I have to run after for him. Ho ho ho Merry Christmas!



Dear, Santa

Hi, Santa I have been very good this year. I cleaned my room. I was kind of nice to my brother. I need Nerf Guns to win against my brother. I need a microphone to yell at my brother. I need books for school and homework. I prefer chapter books. I love to read so more books please. I need a new phone case because my brother gave me his and it is old. I need all these things because my brother has all this things except for the microphone. Last but not least everyone needs food. Wait one more thing how do you eat all of these cookies in one night? Do you save some?



Dear Santa Claus,

I really want a real puppy,a Jojo Siwa doll,a Jojo Siwa backpack.Jojo Swia bows, and a play set, since my dad took the other play set down. I really want a real puppy so bad because they cute and they need food, water, and love from us and so I can take care of it.I have always wanted a Jojo Siwa doll forever, I want a Jojo Siwa backpack so I can have one for school, I want a play set too.Santa we are having a party next week and they might bring little kids to the party . I have been very good this year but I wish my mammaw was here,I miss her so bad that she always got me gifts and she died one year ago. That was my mom’s mom. My mom really misses her. She wishes she was here right now we all miss her in my family . My friends are at school with me and the best teacher is Mrs. Wike.And I have helped my mom with the chores.

Your friend,

Shelby Brooke Lane

Dear Santa,

I am excited for Christmas. How is the weather up at the north pole? I want peace on earth again. You know that my elf Coddle has been very funny this year. Can he come on my siblings birthdays too? For Christmas I would like my life doll clothes and accessories. I would also like Virtual reality drawing glasses. I have got all A’s on my report cards and I clean some of the house with my sister. In school I do very good. That is why you should bring me presents. Thanks for taking the time to read this bye.



Dear Santa Claus,

Hi! I was waiting for Christmas all year. Are you making presents for your dear little kids? I hope you are not too sick or tired from making presents. Sorry if I was late telling you what I want for Christmas. First, I want a calendar. If you give me one, that will really help me keep track of the date. Next, I want a bunch of candy canes. It’s going to be okay because I’m going to save you a few of them. I also want a Chromebook so I could have my own password. My brother will not hack it. ( hopefully) I could do my homework very quickly. This is not an exact present, but my wish is that I want to stay with my friend, Olivia forever. She said she wanted to stay with me too. For more information, I was fantastic all year. I did my chores, I did all of my homework, and I never got in trouble. This is a very important wish. I want everyone to be comfortable. Especially during the winter, because it is very cold.

Please do not forget my presents and my wishes.

Merry Christmas!!!! Happy New Yearl!!!!


Mei, your dear friend!

Dear Santa,

Before I tell you what I want for Christmas.How have you been? How has Rudolph been? I hope you enjoy the cookies and milk I am going to set out for you. Santa Claus I want you to deliver coats to every homeless person in the world. So Santa Claus, for Christmas I would like a helicopter.I would also like a monster truck and a drone that can take a picture of me. Santa for Christmas my sister would like the new paw patrol look out and she wants the cars for the paw patrol pups too. That’s what me and her really from you for Christmas. Here are some reasons why you should give them to us. I have gotten straight As in school. Another reason why. I have taken care of all my 21 animals. Also I play with the new puppy. Then I tell the truth. I was the first person to get student of the month in my class.Also I think my sister should get toys too. Also my mom just had a baby in March. His name is Tyson.! would like you to get sport things for him and some basketballs.


Emma Greer

Dear Santa,

How have you been? How is Rudolph? I have been very agreeable this year. I have been very agreeable this year. My report cards are super admirable. I got straight Als. I see no reason why I wouldn’t be on your nice list.

I will tell you a few things I want for Christmas. I want a Nintendo Switch, a hoverboard, virtual reality goggles, Lego Star Wars Death Star, and a Lego Boost Robot. The thing I want the most is a hoverboard.

If there was one thing I’d want you to give the world, it would be a cure for autism. I’d want you to give that to the world because so many people suffer from autism.

Have safe travels and enjoy my cookies!

Your friend,

Jake Schaurer


Remember when my sister Eowyn was scared of you? Poor Eowyn! Oh by the way, let me tell you something. I want Squisheys, a hoverboard, a drone, a Hatchamal, and for the whole globe a cure for breast cancer because my Great grandma died because of it. I have been an angel all year. I got all A’s on my Report card and Interim report. I took care of my baby sister too. I won all of my games softball and soccer.


The red head whose

hair is redder than

Rudolph’s nose,

Daphne Tozier

Dear Santa Claus,

How is it up in the North Pole? Is it cold Because I know I would be freezing cold. Also how are all your reindeer? And do you remember the time when it was the first time when me and my sister came to see you at Fort St. Clair and with all the Christmas lights? And we also sat on your lap and I asked for a Monster High Play set and my sister asked for a baby doll. Now here are some things I really, really, really want for Christmas: Stuffed animals, Playstation3, nintendo DS, a new bike, And crafting things. The reasons why I should get those things because I got straight A’s on all my report cards. I clean my room. I listen to my momma. I play with my liffle sister Lexi. And I am always a perfect angel at school. Don’t you know? Oh yeah Santa Claus can you try to do this for the whole world plsu me will you try to get Peace on earth?

You’r friend

Abrielle Kaye Marcum

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa. How is the North Pole? I want PS4 vr because friends have it and it cool.And a Farm simulator 17 and Black ops4. I think I deserve these gifts because got a good grades A A A B B. I have also been a good helper on the farm. Good luck delivering gifts this yare. Merry Christmas.


Aiden Chapin-Renner

Dear Santa,

How are you in the North Pole. I hope that you are doing well with all of your reindeer. I am so excited for Christmas and get all of my cool presents. I want a gold hover board, a ps5, a drone, a new bike, a dirt bike. Those are the gifts I want but you can bring whatever you want to bring me. I hope that you have a good Christmas and all the kids get toys. I hope my cousins have a good Christmas at my grandma and grandpa’s house. I hope that you have a good Christmas. I have been good this year I got straight a’s this year so far. I have to do the dishes almost every night but the dishes are kind of fun. I got a ps4 but the ps5 is more cooler and probably has better graphics. I think that I should get a drone because I like to fly drones and little drones. I think that I should get a new bike because the one at my dad’s isn’t good no more. I think that I should get a dirt bike because I could get to my friends house faster. My brother can get one if he wants to. I have been amazing this year so far.



Dear Santa,

I’m so happy for Christmas.

It’s amazing that you brings gifts to ever kid. It is some work and in only one night. You are mazing how do your job it’s amazing. I want a fin fun mermaid tail, Legos, and White bathing suite. My wish For the worldis everyone gets food and a house. You are amazing Santa and you always will be. You have some job. I love christmas decorating the tree is so much fun. That is my dear Santa.


Emma Lane Myers

Dear Santa,

How are you, your elves, your reindeer, and Mrs. Claus? This year I just really want the Wii game Wipeout, the third Harry Potter book, the 2013 LEGO republic gunship, A green phone case, and peace to the world. Just to let you know I’ve been incomparable at school, outstanding at home, and courteous to everyone.


Michael Fomin

Dear Santa,

What I would want for Christmas is: 1. A Ventriloquist doll 2. A BIG kids car 3. A Trumpet 4. An Elf reindeer But the one thing I want is to end world hunger and thirst. Those are the things I would really want for Christmas. Can you please pretty please get me them? I have been an Angel all year. Please Santa pleaselllll!ll If you do then I will be better next year. I will even clean up after the dogs and do the cat litter, change my sister’s dirty diaper too! I have been wanting them all year long! With a Ventriloquist doll if I needed someone to talk to or if I was bored then I could always trust the ventriloquist doll to talk to! If my legs were hurting so much I could hardly walk. Then I could drive the car to places. If I wanted to hear music … I could be the one to make it! An elf reindeer would be great because then my elf would not be lonely when I leave for school. Last but not least to end World hunger and thirst,everybody needs that because then nobody would ever be hungry or thirsty again.


Kaelyn Noel Moore

Dear Santa

Can you please get me a cotton candy maker an ice cream maker? I have been an angel all year and can you please get me a hover board. There is one thing I want is an Easy Bake Oven and some silly string. Can you please bring me everything I want? I got all straight A’s and I help my mom with my brothers and the daddy. There is the one thing I want for everyone is for goodness and to stay safe.

Your friend,

Maddison w.

Dear Santa,

How do you get the elves to get to work and how do you get a hundreds presents done in time? Because it is amazing! How do you do that? I love when you go down people’s chimneys I love it when you do that. You’re the best.

I can’t believe that Christmas is almost here your elves are amazing. I always wanted to be an elf. I love it! Please make me one!

  1. a dummy doll

  2. a hoverboard

  3. cool earring Christmas one’s

  4. cool necklaces

  5. a mood ring and a piece of paper to show what mood it is

I cleaned for my mom and I got a’s and b’s and I’ve been sweet and kind and nice. I play with my sister and brother.

Your Friend,


Dear Santa,

How long does it take to go all around North America? What is the weather in the North Pole? Santa for Christmas I want a wooden xylophone, a drone, a xbox 1, some virtual reality glasses, and a drum. I have been an angel all year. I have fed my fish, I turn in my homework, I take care of my Gigi’s 2 cats, I also take care of my neighbors outside cat, I have been nice to my brother, I have been nice to my friends. And that is why I deserve all of the things on my list.



Dear Santa,

How are you doing I’m doing fine. For Christmas I would like the American girl doll of the year, a cure for cancer, and a pair of mood earring. I have been improving all year. I have got straight A’s all year. I haven’t got grounded all year. I have done well in school all year. When my mom tells me to go to sleep I go to sleep. I don’t lie. When my mom tells me to get ready for school I get ready for school. When my mom tells me to do my homework I do my homework when my teacher tells me to something I do it. When my teacher tells me to do something else I do soemthing else.


Olivia Piekutowski

Hi. I hope none of the reindeer are sick because the reindeer have a big job to do. I have a question for you, in the winter does it get colder in the North Pole. I have a lot of things on my Christmas list but I narrowed it down to five things. The one thing I want least out of the five is a pair of walkie talkies. The next thing I want is a puppy. To be specific I want a dog that doesn’t shed hair. Next I want a chromebook, for school. Now this one is really important, I really wish my best friend Mei could stay with us and be my best friend forever. Now here comes the big one, the most important of all. I wish with everything in me that my babysitter who I love so much could be able to stop getting so sick.

Now Santa I have been satisfying all year, even if I was a little naughty. The reason I need a chromebook is because it;s a matter of A+ or C in grades. I really need those walkie talkies because when I have a nerf gun war my team needs a pair of walkie talkies. I want a puppy because I get bored a lot so it would be like having a little sibling. I really wont my best friend Mei to stay because there isn’t anybody else who can replace her. And last my babysitter doesn’t deserve to be sick all the time, she deserves so much more. I have something really big to ask you … I want you to please just try to end world hunger. Now hopefully I get what I want. I hope you have as good of a Christmas as I do. Thanks for spreading cheer everywhere. Bye Santa Claus!!!!


Your friend

Olivia Bradley

Dear Santa,

I want this year is a mega nerf gun. I used to have one but it got washed away so that’s why I want a new one. I also what a go kart that goes very fast and I never knew how it was like. Finally what I want is a Iphone8 plus. why I want one is so I can call my friends and play games on the phone. I have been behaving so that is why I what this. I also do a howl lot of chores for my mom and dad that is another reason why I get my presents I wanted.


