Lewisburg celebrates bicentennial

The Village of Lewisburg held its monthly bicentennial celebration on Sunday, June 10. The committee invited residents to the Tri-County North Community Association for a car show and Lewisburg Historical Society for an Ice cream social. Unfortunately, the rain kept many cars away, but attendees were still able to enjoy Ullery’s Ice Cream, shop bicentennial memorabilia, and tour the Lewisburg Historical Society grounds.


The Village of Lewisburg held its monthly bicentennial celebration on Sunday, June 10. The committee invited residents to the Tri-County North Community Association for a car show and Lewisburg Historical Society for an Ice cream social. Unfortunately, the rain kept many cars away, but attendees were still able to enjoy Ullery’s Ice Cream, shop bicentennial memorabilia, and tour the Lewisburg Historical Society grounds.
http://www.registerherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2018/06/web1_icecream2.jpgThe Village of Lewisburg held its monthly bicentennial celebration on Sunday, June 10. The committee invited residents to the Tri-County North Community Association for a car show and Lewisburg Historical Society for an Ice cream social. Unfortunately, the rain kept many cars away, but attendees were still able to enjoy Ullery’s Ice Cream, shop bicentennial memorabilia, and tour the Lewisburg Historical Society grounds.
