National Trail hosts first FFA ‘Tips and Chips’


NEW PARIS — National Trail FFA hosted its first ever Tips and Chips event in the high school gymnasium, Wednesday, March 22. The event featured National Trail alumni returning as guest speakers.

Speakers included Jeff Geeding, Tyler Glander, Melissa Duke Jones, Rob Hester, Marisa Schaar, Emma Toschlog, Matt Sullivan and Robert McClanahan.

“Success after high school is a goal we have for our students. Having advice from our panel of experts is a way that our students can learn from people who have graduated from the school they are currently in,” said PLTW and Agricultural Education Instructor, Carmen Kennel.

“The alumni members that were invited have experience in different areas including business, education, and industry. The words of wisdom from these National Trail Alumni members are helpful for our students. It can help them select classes and provide ideas for future plans in their lives,” she added.

“Some advice from our speakers included being confident, finding your passion, and being on time,” Kennel concluded.

Reach Nathan Hoskins at 937-683-4057.

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