Countywide fire district study begins


EATON — A study regarding the possibility of a countywide fire district has begun. Preble County Commissioners heard from Bill Kramer of Kramer and Associates Fire and EMS Consultants during the public participation segment of their Monday, April 3, meeting.

“We’ve started a study of the fire services operations here in the county — I understand it will be funded by Preble County. I am here just to formalize our relationship,” said Kramer.

Commissioners clarified they are only involved financially in the project, in order to maintain legal distance. Commissioner Adam Craft added, that by funding the study, the county is able to forgo any allegations of favoritism or bias that may arise and remain completely professional for the good of the county.

“We decided to pay the bill so one entity wasn’t paying for it,” he said.

“I have somewhat of a bias opinion, but I think it’s money well spent because there is a great economic scale in terms of taking your limited supply of resources for your volunteer fire departments and making them work more cohesively together,” Kramer said. “It eliminates some duplications and bolsters one another. That’s kind of what this study does, it shows not just how a district works, but where orders are dissolved, and it puts larger fire department entities in place. Including, perhaps, a county-wide district.”

According to Kramer, there is “overwhelming support” for a district-wide fire department, with only minor concerns issued by some members of the fire association.

Kramer also suggested broadening the survey to include EMS and emergency services.

“It would cover the needs and resources required for major emergencies, like tornadoes, train derailments, anything that you might have that would be somewhat catastrophic for your community. Since it’s the fire departments that are out there on the front-line anyway, there’s a lot of overlap in departments for that kind of preparation,” he said.

Kramer added, extending the study would be an additional $5,000 on top of existing expenses, but the board has 30 days to make such a decision.

Commissioner Racheal Vonderhaar noted, the board is giving money to the fire association, but all invoices should be directed to the association itself.

This conversation comes as discussion of a countywide fire department is under review by county officials and the collective of fire chiefs.

Reach Nathan Hoskins at 937-683-4057.

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