Proposed amphitheater location selected


BROOKVILLE — The park board selected a location in Golden Gate Park for the proposed construction of an amphitheater by Boy Scout Troop 47.

The park board made its selection after narrowing down the suggested locations for the amphitheater to two sites in the park.

The amphitheater was proposed at the June 13 park board meeting by Boy Scout Ryan Clemmons, who is co-project leader with Boy Scout Tim Moler, of the project.

Ryan told park board members the amphitheater will be used for various Boy Scouts functions.

Ryan also noted the amphitheater can be used as an outdoor awards area for the various sports organizations and other service clubs in the city.

Ryan said other uses for the amphitheater include the production of such live performances as skits, plays, lectures and talks, music and storytelling.

Ryan’s father and Boy Scout Troop 47 leader, Todd Clemmons, noted at the June 13 meeting four locations were considered for the amphitheater.

The four sites were:

• an area behind the Leiber Center

• an area near the water tower where the scout shelter is located

• an area between the first site and the city garage

• an area across the creek near the former BMX shelter building where the BMX track was once located

A fifth potential site, located behind the Waffle House restaurant and near Gateway Park, was also suggested at a later date.

Park board president Adam Blevins said in recent correspondence with Ryan, the potential location for the amphitheater was narrowed to two areas:

• the area behind the Waffle House and near Gateway Park

• the area near the BMX shelter.

Blevins said Ryan told him there were “several pluses to the site behind the Waffle House.”

Blevins said Ryan informed him the Waffle House location “has a good grade.”

“There’s enough room and it isn’t too bad at blocking the sun from both directions,” Blevins said Ryan relayed to him.

Blevins said Ryan also told him “the site also would be more suitable for handicapped viewing from the parking lot.”

“It would be easier for us to build wheelchair-access to a platform from the amphitheater,” Blevins said Ryan relayed to him.

Blevins said Ryan indicated to him the downfalls to the location behind the Waffle house are “the area gets a lot of trash from Waffle House and it gets a lot of people walking their dogs.”

“Parking would be less optimal and the drainage would need to be rerouted,” Blevins said Ryan added in his comments.

Blevins said Ryan indicated the preferred location for the amphitheater is near the BMX shelter, but either site is acceptable.

Blevins said Ryan indicated the location near the BMX shelter was preferred because of “the ambiance of the area” and “its proximity to the parking lot near the bike trail.”

“I don’t think we’re going to upset anybody by selecting one (site) or the other,” Blevins said to the park board members.

After visiting the two sites, the park board voted 3-0 to have the amphitheater constructed near the former BMX shelter.

Ryan indicated on June 13 plans are to complete the project in the spring or summer of 2024, or possibly in the late fall of 2023, if funding is available.

“The cost will be around $6,000-$8,000,” Ryan said.

Todd indicated on June 13 the cost will be “a firm $8,000, based on the type of lumber we are going to need.”

“We plan to approach a couple of organizations that might be interested in funding the entire project,” Todd said.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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