Sewert supporting police levy renewal

Village of Lewisburg residents:

On Nov. 7, voters in the Village of Lewisburg will vote on a renewal of the 2.25-mill police levy.

As a life-long, proud resident of this village I have seen it change, grow, and improve. For a small village, the services provided are second to none. Regardless of the department – residents are served by dedicated individuals who are constantly reminded that customer service is their top priority.

As Fire/EMS Chief, I interact with our departments on a weekly, if not daily basis. We do our very best to operate within our budgets. We realize that we work for you, our citizens, thus we strive to utilize your tax monies as wisely as possible.

As you vote on Nov. 7, please vote “yes” on the police levy which does not increase your taxes. Being the Chief, I know how closely our department works with Police Chief McGee and the fine officers of the Police Department to assist each other in any way to serve our residents.

One of the important things to remember about this levy is that it allows us to partner with the school to maintain the School Resource Officer position. Is anything more important than helping keep our students safe and secure?

In closing, I hope I have shown that Lewisburg works together for the good of our citizens. We must have sufficient monies to fund the departments, which includes our police department, to enable us to serve our community effectively.

BJ Sewert

Chief Lewisburg Fire/EMS