Upper Wolf Creek watershed to be focus of meeting


BROOKVILLE — Local residents who care about clean water, productive soils, and healthy streams are invited to participate in a conversation on Thursday, March 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Brookville Fire Department, 775 E. Upper Lewisburg-Salem Rd., Brookville. This meeting begins a focused effort to reduce polluted runoff in the Upper Wolf Creek watershed. Montgomery Soil and Water Conservation District (MSWCD) is partnering with Environmental Solutions AQ to host the meeting.

During 2024, Montgomery SWCD and local partners will develop Nine-Element Nonpoint Source Implementation Strategy Plans for Headwaters Wolf Creek and North Branch Wolf Creek watersheds (aka drainage basins). These two watersheds are located in northwest Montgomery County.

Local stakeholders and communities are needed to actively participate in the planning process, to provide input in identifying sources and causes of impairments in the watershed, and to help set goals and management strategies for watershed conservation efforts. No RSVP and no cost are required to attend the March 7 meeting. Refreshments will be provided.

Development of the Nine-Element Plans for the Upper Wolf Creek will set the stage for future funding to restore wetlands and stream banks and to support conservation agriculture.

For more information, visit https://epa.ohio.gov/monitor-pollution/maps-and-advisories/nonpoint-source-implementationstrategies.

Special thanks to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Miami Conservancy District and the Nature Conservancy for their partnership in developing the proposal, as well as Five Rivers MetroParks.

This planning project was financed in part through a CWA Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Implementation Program grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency through an assistance agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

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