Lewisburg Alumni planning banquet


Lewisburg area alumni banquet

The Lewisburg-Verona-Twin Valley North-Tri-County North Alumni Banquet is set for Saturday, June 8, at Tri-County North High School in Lewisburg. All classes ending in “4” or “9” will be honored this year.

Registration and social hour will be from 4-5:30 p.m., with dinner and program beginning at 5:30 p.m. There will be door prizes and a raffle. Cost is $25/person prepaid and pre-registered, or $30 at the door.

The alumni association will be awarding $2,000 scholarships this year. Generous donations from alumni over the years have allowed over $80,000 to be awarded to Tri-County North graduates enrolled in colleges, universities, or accredited technical schools. Fellow graduates of the Lewisburg area schools, are encouraged to donate to the Scholarship Fund. Mail checks payable to the Lewisburg Alumni Association and designated to the Scholarship Fund to: Lewisburg Alumni Association, P.O. Box 279 Lewisburg, OH 45338.

Any Tri-County North graduate enrolled in college or technical school (2nd-, 3rd-, or 4th-year student) who is interested in the scholarship can find applications are available at the Lewisburg Library, banks, and TCN High School. Deadline for application is Friday, May 17 (must be postmarked before date.) All graduates are eligible to apply for alumni scholarships, and previous year’s applicants and winners are invited to apply again.

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