Northmont approves English Language Arts Curriculum


ENGLEWOOD — In a special meeting on Tuesday, May 28, at the central office, Northmont Board of Education approved a new English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for the 2024-25 school year.

The comprehensive presentation was led by Jessie Zink, Associate Director of Curriculum Instruction and Technology, who detailed the thorough selection process and the rationale behind the chosen materials.

Zink explained that the new curriculum aligns with the Ohio State Approved list of Curriculum and Intervention Materials for PK-5. All teachers are required to complete professional development in the Science of Reading, an interdisciplinary body of scientifically based research on reading and related issues. This approach emphasizes that effective reading comprehension stems from a combination of word recognition and language comprehension.

The curriculum selection process was rigorous, involving a team of 30 teachers and administrators who spent over 10 hours reviewing four different curricula. Their evaluations were based on a comprehensive rubric grounded in reading science. Additionally, all other elementary teachers were given the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the proposed materials.

Community involvement was also a key component of the process. A parent night was held, where 75 attendees were informed about the curriculum options and engaged in discussions about the final selection. This collaborative approach ensured that the chosen curriculum had the support of both educators and parents.

“We’ve been learning about this for five years,” said Jessie Zink. “Teachers overwhelmingly agreed that this choice is what’s best for kids.”

The new curriculum includes:

● Preschool: Creative Curriculum

● K-5: Bookworms

● Grade 6: Wit and Wisdom

These selections are expected to provide high-quality ELA instruction that supports effective reading development and comprehension across all grade levels. The Northmont Board of Education is confident that this new curriculum will enhance the educational experience and outcomes for students.

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