Letters to Santa: Mrs. Mahan’s class at Bruce Elementary

Dear Santa Claus,

I want an Iphone 8. I want it because I want to be able to text and call. Also my sisters won’t be allowed to get on it. Another reason I want a phone is I can stay up all night using it. I have to get a phone for Christmas because I’ll still get other stuff. Thank you.



(P.S. I liked the letter you sent me.)

Dear Santa,

I would like a tablet. I would like it to be sparkle blue please. That would be a merry present. I hope you can get that for me. The reason I would like a tablet is to my family and I can take pictures to make memories. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Thank you.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I want a Shimmer and Shine book for Christmas please. I want it because I like Shimmer and Shine.



Dear Santa,

I hope your elfs are being good. I hope you are feeling good. I believe your elfs are hot because they are working hard. I hope your reindeer are well fed. I want a ps4. Because I can also play ps3 games on it. Then when I get older I will sell it. I will take care of it. I hope you get a lot of rest.

Sincerely, James

Dear Santa,

I want a Hoverboard. If I had a Hoverboard I could move quicker in my house. I could get stuff quicker. I could get away from my two brothers.

How are your reindeer doing? I’m going to leave you five cookies.



Dear St. Nick,

For Christmas may I have a new game called cuphead? I have seen people play it. I was waiting a very long time to play it. It is for the XBox. I will not break it. I will be very good with it. I deserve this game because I have been an angel all year. So may I please have the game for Christmas? How are the elves doing? Have a very merry Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear santa,

I want LoL dolls. I want to add to my LoL dolls collection. They are fun to play with. Do you have a dogs? How are the reindeer? Is Rudolph real? How are you and how are the elfs?

Love, Emma

Dear Santa,

I want these little animals called Hatchimals. I want Hatchimals because I think they are cute. They come in an egg. You have to warm the heart on the egg, then when the heart turns pink you look for the soft spot and push the soft spot. The animal comes out.then you play with it. Now let’s talk about the North pole.Ae the elves’ working hard? How do you get all the presents to all the people in one night ?



Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer doing? Are they eating their fruits and veggies? I want a Fingerling monkey. I want a Fingerling monkey because it acts like a real monkey. When I’m at school I’ll let my mom take care of it. I like cookies and I know you do to. I will leave you 10 cookies.



Dear Santa,

I want a new bike. My chain is broken on my old bike. I can ride my bike in the summer. I take the garbage out. I help the teacher.

Your Friend,


Dear Santa,

I want Little Pet Shop for Christmas. I get a lot of A+. I have 4 pets. I have been good. It is cold in Eaton, Ohio. How are you? I have been helpful.



Dear Santa, I would like animal figurines because they are fun to play with and I need more. The animal figurines I want are cat, dog, fox, wolf, coyote, and horse. What is your favorite animal? What’s your favorite cookies? I do not like cookies that much but I will leave some out for you.



Dear Santa, Can I have a bouncey ball? I will make sure it doesn’t get popped. I will share it with my brother and sister. I want a tablet to play on. I will charge it if it gets low. I want a remote control car. I will take care of it. I hope you and Mrs. Clause are having a good day.



Dear Santa,

I want a basketball hoop. I want a basketball hoop so I can practice basketball. When I get good at basketball I can play with my friends. By the way when will my elf come? How are the reindeer doing? I hope you like the cookies I am making for you.



Dear Santa,

How are the elfs doing? It is cold here . Is it cold there? I hope your reindeer are going to help you give kids presents? How is Mrs.Claus doing at the North Pole? Can I have some slime stuff for Christmas? I would like some Bengals stuff. I want a helmet because I want to play football in the yard.



Dear Santa,

I would like to have a rabbit. I would like to have one because they are fluffy, cute and you can decorate their cages. I also want to take care of it and feed it. I hope you are having a good day. I’m having a good day. Are your reindeer doing good flying? I hope Rudolph has an extra red nose.



Dear Santa,

I would like some new colored pencils. I lost most of my colored pencils. I want to draw beautiful pitchers. I can draw them with my new colored pencils. I am trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. Have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I want a XBOX One because my xbox 360 isn’t good because the Minecraft has no horse name tages, ocelots either and the minecraft on the xbox one has all the of those things and more.

How are the reindeer,elves and Mrs. Claus doing? I’m doing good but minecraft gets boring now. I hope you get lots cookies for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

Can I have pokemon cards for Christmas please? fI will battle my friends and my cousin with my cards. I will have fun. How are you doing? How is your day? Let me guess? Busy!! Merry Christmas.

Love, Your friend,


Dear Santa,

How are you doing today? For Christmas I want a sqwushy. Because my mom said it’s too expensive. I want it because my brother makse me mad a lot. What are the reindeer doing? I help around the house by doing my homework. Has Heart been telling you what we are doing? It is really cold over here in Ohio. I wish Christmas was in the summer. See you soon.



Dear Santa,

Hello, how are you today? Could I please have a Fitbit? I would use it to track how many minutes I ran. It would also help my brother learn time.

I have some questions for you. Do you name the elves? Which reindeer is the girl? Do you have any siblings?



Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer doing? I want a hoverboard. So I can play music on it. I also want a hoverboard so I don’t have to walk to my room. Aanother reason I want a hoverboard because I can show my friends how to ride it.


