West Alexandria news

WEST ALEXANDRIA — Birthdays this week: Mackenzie Jackson, Jeff Sebald, Grayson Rivers, Aaron Cooper, Rachel Carpenter, Lindsey Carpenter, Brett Sizemore, Rly Sizemore, Elliott Voge, Jenny Dawson, Amanda Byrd, Brian DeVilbiss, Danielle Kreitzer, Patricia Haas, Mason Lee, Shirley Lindloff, David Good, Brad Johnson, Jodi Miller, Shelley Gates, Stephanie Cotterman, Sherri Bostic, Jennifer Dawson, Shirley Lindloff, Sean Pierce, Kelsey Johnson, in memory of Shirley Wells.

Anniversaries this week: Derick and Emily Meyers, Dale and Shelley Spitler, Richard and Phyllis Miller, Cliff and Simi Johnson, Eric and Aleesha Voge, in memory of Dr. Mark and Carolyn Ulrich.

American Legion Post 322

Euchre every Wed. at 7 p.m. $5 entrance fee, 50/50 raffle. Senior Fun Bunch meets every Thursday from 1-4 p.m.Rock the Jukebox the third Friday of every month at the American Legion, Post 322, Ohio 503 South.

Fireworks, Santa Villa Donations

Saturday, Aug. 27, from 3-8 p.m. Visit Bratt Tasties, purchase all your favorite treats and a percentage of all sales will be donated to the West Alexandria Celebration Committee to support Santa Villa and the 2023 fireworks.

Preble County Farmers Market

Preble County Farmers Market is open for business every second and fourth Tuesday, at the Salem Lutheran Church parking lot, 70 E. Dayton St., from 6-8 p.m. Come find local crafts, farm-raised meats, home-grown produce, and baked-goods of all kinds.

Community Garage Sales

The final Community Garage Sale week of the year will take place the second week of October, coinciding with the Kiwanis Oktoberfest. There will be no sale permits required during these days.

Coffeehouse Conversations

Kierston’s Coffeestop, located at 12 S. Main Street, is hosting Coffeehouse Conversations every Monday evening from 7-8 p.m. Everyone is invited to stop in for complimentary coffee, a cookie, or baked-good. Bring a friend and pull up a chair for an open, honest, and friendly conversation about faith, life, and today’s social issues and how they relate to the Bible, with a local pastor.

TVS Alumni Dance

The Second Annual Twin Valley South Alumni Dance, sponsored by Alpha Kappa Sorority, will take place Oct. 7, with doors opening at 7 p.m. Presale tickets are $10 until Sept. 30. Presale event t-shirts are available. Tickets at the door will be $15. Contact Bevin Hager at 937-207-8151 for tickets and more information.

TVS Football Boosters Cooler Raffle

TVS Football Boosters will have a Facebook live drawing on Friday, Sept. 2, for an Igloo 70 quart rugged cooler stuffed with drinks and gifts. Items are valued at over $500. Winner will be contacted to arrange delivery and does not need to be present to win. Entries are 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. Contact Mandy Bishop, Sherry Hurst, or Mary Johnson. Cash, PayPal and Venmo accepted.

WA Library Summer Reading Program

Summer reading storytimes and crafts include multi-aged programs with fun activities, dances, songs, stories and more. Campfire Tales will take place regularly on Wednesdays at 1 p.m.

Kids can pick up a Weekly Grab and Go Kit that they can complete at the library or take home and finish later. Teen/Tween Grab and Go Kits are outdoor-themed all summer.

Lego Club, for all school-aged children, meets the last Saturday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. Build, complete challenges and have fun. Use the library’s LEGOs or bring your own. Please label your container if bringing LEGOs from home.


The Foodbank continues to be open regular hours from 10 a.m. to noon on Mondays and Wednesdays at St. John Church, 20 E. South Street. Contact the Foodbank at 937-839-1615 for additional information. Anyone in need of food may come to the Foodbank and remain outside in your vehicle. We are thankful for the continuing support of our community and look forward to serving you.

St. John Lutheran Church, Ingomar

St. John Lutheran Annual Ice Cream Social is Saturday, Sept. 10, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. All the yummy food items will be available at 2139 Enterprise Rd. Profits will be donated to the Preble County Success Program.

Church of the Brethren

Join us for socially-distanced services on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in person, on 99.5 FM in the church parking lot at 22 E. Oak St., or live on the WACOB Facebook page.

Salem Lutheran Church

A Confirmation meeting will take place on Sunday, Sept. 11, at noon, in the old Fellowship Hall.

First Communion Classes will meet in the Old Fellowship Hall on Sundays, Oct. 2, 9 and 16 at 12:30 p.m. Oct. 23 is scheduled as a makeup day.

High school and middle school Bible Study takes place every Sunday at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday School takes place at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday at 70 E. Dayton Street. Sunday services are live-streamed on YouTube at Salem Lutheran Church, West Alexandria.

Pastor Dan’s Bible Study meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the church Lounge or via Zoom.

The Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study group will meet at Birthright of Eaton, Saturday, Aug. 20, for a work day.

Coups for Troops accepts your unwanted coupons for military commissaries overseas where they are accepted up to 2 months past expiration. Place them in the Church Library basket or contact Linda Wick. Please no local restaurants or pet supplies.

Special offerings for August will go to the Community Outreach Project.

By Mary Lunsford

West Alexandria Correspondent