WA Fire/EMS updates hardware


WEST ALEXANDRIA – West Alexandria Village Council met Monday, Feb. 13, and discussed purchase orders for village departments, regular business, and concerns over special meetings being called in abundance.

Fire Chief John Glander requested approval to carry out various software and equipment purchases, including Emergency Reporting Software (ESO) for $4,522, Strategic Solutions Inc. GTAC laptops for $8,800, onboard Wi-Fi for $2,666.25, assorted department equipment for $3,000, and fuel expenses for $8,000.

Council member Zach Shafer expressed his concerns regarding the expense of the GTAC laptops, asking if cheaper renewal products had been investigated instead. According to Glander, current systems run on less powerful processing chips, whereas the GTAC systems run on Intel i9, a substantial upgrade to their current operating systems.

Glander added, using tablets in place of GTAC adds liability, as tablets are very fragile, while GTAC systems are designed for rougher use.

All members of council voted in favor of the GTAC purchases, excluding Shafer who was opposed. Shafer also voted against the onboard Wi-Fi.

In other business:

• Mayor Jeff Hickey addressed concerns from council member Shafer regarding numerous special meetings called in January.

“I’d like to have a little conversation about the special meetings we’ve been having. Councilman Shafer sent me an email showing a lot of concern that we’ve had a lot of special meetings. It’s a pretty lengthy email, but it basically comes down to Zach feels we’ve had an extensive amount of special meetings, and he’s very upset,” said Hickey.

According to Hickey, Shafer has expressed his displeasure in the scheduling of special meetings when he is unable to attend. Shafer declined to comment.

“So, here’s what it comes down to. The mayor, or any three members of council, may call special meetings of the council upon, at least, twelve hours notice to each member. Served personally or left at the members regular place of residence,” stated Hickey.

Hickey concluded by saying, “You reach a point where you have to get stuff done. If it takes two or three meetings a month, then that’s what we’re going to do.”

Council later approved the meeting minutes from meetings held on Jan. 3, Jan. 9, Jan. 18, for both a special meeting and work session, Jan. 23, Jan. 25, and Jan. 30. Shafer abstained his vote numerous times due to his absence at several of the aforementioned meetings.

• Council reviewed and approved the 2023 income tax distributions: $150,000 to the General Fund, $50,000 to the street fund, $15,000 to operating funds, $8,000 in reserve, $27,000 to fire operations, $15,000 to fire truck reserve and $10,000 to storm sewer, for a total of $275,000 distributed.

West Alexandria Village Council meetings are public meetings held on the third Monday each month, at 7 p.m., at 8 Marty Lane in the EMS building.

Reach Nathan Hoskins at 937-683-4057.

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