I’ve gone over the edge


It’s absolutely true. I have completely lost my mind! I am now critiquing cleaning equipment. Until I moved to Texas I barely knew what a broom was used for, now I’m a walking encyclopedia.

My new house was perfect in every way except for the ways it wasn’t perfect. That would include the floors, the paint, the noisy air conditioning and the yard that needed and still needs rehabbing. But it was so cute and even though the yard needed a lot of work, it was perfect for Gibbs (my dog) and came with an unlimited amount of birds and squirrels.

My daughter, daughter-in-law and my lady REALTOR all put their two cents worth in and gave me lots of advice about what needed to be done and how to get it done. However, they did not offer to pay for any of that stuff. So, it began.

Go to the flooring store, connect with a first class painter and get started right away before my furniture arrives. Oh, yeah, I needed some new furniture so got on that right away.

Skip ahead six weeks. My stuff from Ohio arrived and the painting and flooring were done, the new furniture was on backorder and Gibbs and I were settling in.

I had sold most of my stuff at my auction before leaving Ohio so I needed lots of things, like pictures, knickknacks, etc. My daughter-in-law, Katie and I hit all the consignment stores and Goodwill stores in San Antonio and came up with great stuff.

One problem though, now I’m hooked on looking for bargains so I can’t pass up a Goodwill store. I frequent them often and keep finding stuff I can’t live without which I now have an overabundance of. I think my neighborhood is having a spring garage sale, so problem solved.

Because I have all this stuff and a giant shedding dog, I needed something to keep it clean. I did bring my carpet sweeper, but this house has tile floors and dog fur was trying to take over.

First was an expensive fur grabbing, mopping machine. It took me an hour to get it assembled and two hours to take it apart and clean it after using it for an hour or two. I was completely exhausted after one session of that! I decided that the complete session didn’t need to be done twice a week, so I bought a smaller version of the cleaner.

I also bought a cheapo mop. So far I have bought three different methods of cleaning my floors and I’m still exhausted after each use. Finally, I found the correct solution for less than $25. Got it at Walmart on sale and I don’t want them to know but I would have paid lots more if I had to.

It is the best thing ever for getting dog hair off my floor and it only takes about 15 minutes a day. Giving me lots of time for me to write silly columns like this and go to the dog park.

Now if only I could find somebody who would do the sweeping for me, I could do nothing all day every day. But then, I wouldn’t have anything to complain about or write about.

Stay tuned, I’m sure I can find something to occupy my time besides cleaning. YUK!!!

Reach Kaye Brown at [email protected]

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