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Guess What’s New in Reading?


Summer is here and that means the kids are home. Get some quiet time this summer with these books for young adults and young readers.

Good summer


With a firecracker bang, July is off and running!

Conservation Day Camp rides again


Preble County Conservation Day Camp had its humble beginnings in 2016 with 71 campers and 10 counselors for three big days, taking place at the Preble County Historical Society. Fast forward to last week when over 130 energetic campers attended the ninth annual Conservation Day Camp. It is still hosted at the Historical Society which has proved to be an ideal location for the camp through the years.

Get ready to be amazed; ribbon cutting for expansion July 10


We’ve finally made it and can’t wait to share with everyone PCCOA’s new addition. Get ready to be amazed!

Slow, steady, summer


“Summer is for growin’,” my Grandpa Williams used to say—generally when we were in his garden.

A park and a free canoe


The second weekend in June found our family on the road to Wisconsin to attend a high school graduation party for my nephew, Alex. He is the oldest of my sister’s four children. Sis married a fine guy named Kelly from Wisconsin and settled down in a town by the name of Stanley which is smaller yet than Eaton, but how she wound up there in the first place is a story for another day.

Solstice and endless summer


The solstice will come and go this week.

Choose your rut wisely


I can’t take full credit for the title of this article. In fact, I can’t take any credit for it. One of my literary heroes by the name of Roger Pond penned an article by the same title many years ago, if my memory serves me right. If I had to guess, it was in the early 2000s in late May or early June, when many high school and college graduations were taking place. The phrase stuck with me because I was a college student at the time and it seemed like good advice. I clipped the article and filed it away for future use. I can still picture the folder I stuck it in along with quite a few other articles I saved from the Farm World weekly newspaper. I say that I can picture the folder because I certainly can’t find it at the moment.

Attention all Preble County veterans: We want you!


Exciting news! If you or a loved one is a veteran of Preble County, we invite you to be part of something special at the senior center. Help us honor your heroes by sharing their name, branch of service, years of service, and rank to be featured on our Wall of Heroes in the new section of our building.

A flash of magic


Open the window of your heart


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