Literacy Night set for March 7


BROOKVILLE — The Brookville Elementary School invites children and their families who will enter the schools kindergarten program next school year to “Little Blue Devils Literacy Night.”

The event will be held Thursday, March 7, from 6-7:30 p.m.

Those attending the event are asked to enter through the event doors.

The event will begin in the cafeteria where there will be pizza and drinks.

Students and their parents will have an opportunity to rotate through five learning stations set up in the school.

It is hoped this experience will allow incoming kindergarten students a chance to see the school and meet the staff.

Those planning to attend the event must supply the following information to their preschool provider or to Brookville Elementary School by Thursday, Feb. 29: child’s name, age, birthday, parent’s name(s,) telephone number, number of people attending and pieces of pizza requested.

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