I’m in charge here!


You cannot make me do that! I absolutely will not make a U-turn and get back to where you want me to be!

That is what I tell the nagging lady in my vehicle’s navigation system. She’s one bossy broad. It’s her way or the highway. Not really, It’s her way or she keeps talking and talking.

I have to find a place to pull over and then spend 5 minutes trying to get the navigation system to cancel the route. Sometimes it will and sometimes it just keeps on doing her bidding. I have gone home when I didn’t want to, just to get her to shut up!

Even though my daughter-in-law, Katie, has complete confidence in her navigating lady, I’m pretty sure they are totally different species. Somehow, the one in my system can sense how much I detest her.

Therefore she feels like it is alright to harass me into doing her bidding. But I won’t do it. I’ll stop people in the street or at a random gas station and seek advice from them, but I won’t let her tell me what to do. I’m not even sure she knows what she is doing.

Today she was pushing me to just go ahead and follow her instructions when I could clearly see the route she had me heading for was under reconstruction and there were trucks and equipment everywhere.

When I stopped to clear my head and talk myself out of suicide or worse, murder, she kept on talking. I finally persevered and went home.

Gibbs was in the back seat and he was becoming incredibly annoyed at both of us because we were both speaking over each other and he was trying to enjoy the ride with his head out the window. As soon as we got home, he went to bed to meditate.

My car has joined into the dispute. The last time I tried to use the system, it acted the same way. I located the navigation button and tried to cancel the route, but it said it was already canceled even though it wasn’t.

My son thinks that I don’t have a clue how to use the system. How dare him! I never accused him of not knowing how to do something new when he was in preschool.

But he had his own way of learning new things. He just read up on how to do stuff and then did it. That was WAY before the internet. Now he just You Tubes whatever he’s looking for and WA-LA, done.

I’m going to give my navigation lady a name, Felicia.

Kaye Brown is a former resident of Preble County who now resides in Texas. Reach Kaye Brown at [email protected].

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