Around the ‘Burg

LEWISBURG — Lewisburg is opened for business! If that isn’t believed drive down any street and look for the renewal of this village. The kids running through the water sprays, new windows being put in the front windows of a new business, people sitting along the sidewalk drinking coffee at a local business, the firemen cleaning the equipment. Lewisburg doesn’t rest.


June 11 — BINGO. TCN Community Center. Doors open at 6 p.m. Bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. Great fun with super food, 50/50, and door prizes.

June 13 — Blood Drive. 4-7 p.m. Missionary First Baptist Church. Register at

June 18 — Music Makers on a Summer Night

June 20 — Bicentennial meeting. 6:30 p.m. TCN Community Center

June 28 — Young at Heart. Will meet at Lewisburg Trinity Lutheran Church at 11 a.m. and carpool to Huston’s Restaurant in Arcanum. Lunch is on your own. We will also be doing a driving tour of Ithaca.

The splash pad is open daily from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Enjoy the cool water while enjoying the heat. We talked to Jeff Sewert, the Municipal Manager, about a possible “senior day” at the splash pad realizing that because of the paparazzi extra police protection may be required.

Bicentennial 2018

The War of 1812 led to a period of inflation that was soon followed by hard times. Hogs sold for as little as 25 cents and 30 cents per head. Labor wages were 3 cents to 3 ½ cents per hour. However, the economy slowly recovered with the construction of the railroads and canals, which were subsidized by State and Federal monies.

The first canal boat from Cincinnati reached Dayton on Jan. 25, 1829. The shipping point for goods and livestock changed to Franklin instead of Cincinnati which meant that livestock could be driven there. Soon after the canals came the railroads, and the Eastern markets were opened. The whole Miami River Watershed was known the Great Corn Belt of the United States.

June Birthdays

June 2 — Happy 1st birthday Autumn Heindl, Dustin Green

June 3 — Julie Peters, Teanna Sykes. Forever in our hearts Delman Baker

June 4 — Jerrod Studebaker

June 5 — Hunter Peck, Val Browne

June 6 — Jackie Sewert. Happy Anniversary to Mel & Marilyn Fryman 63 years

June 7 — Will Brennan, Seth Hawkins, Noah Kirklin

June 8 — Blake Sandlin


The Lewisburg Memorial Day Service held on Sunday, May 29, was according to many, awesome. The TCN Band paraded to the cemetery where Marcia Jones led the crowd with a Memorial Day speech. Pastor Dave Justis also participated in making the service complete. The only problem: not enough people attended such a great service.

Becky Petit’s surgery is behind her. Now, the real work begins. Becky will be running past all of us before we know it. Keep smiling, Becky!

The Model T’s took over Lewisburg last Thursday afternoon. They were treated to a tour of the Singer Blacksmith Shop.

Girls, Girls, Girls

Our Minnie bit the dust quietly this week by leaving us stranded on U.S. 27 Friday night among all the Memorial Day traffic. We sat beside her Saturday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. waiting for the test results. The results were not promising but the job was done and we are “on the road again”. When the vehicles aren’t running, nobody’s happy.

In closing

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life”. Albert Camus

I lost an uncle this week, Jerry Aukerman. Growing up, he would pick me out of the crowd and carry me back to the locker room to meet the University of Cincinnati football team. My grandma, Dora Aukerman, would follow close behind. I haven’t seen him in a few years. That was my loss. Time doesn’t stand still for us to catch up. We need to keep in contact knowing that the end day may soon arrive. Uncle Jerry isn’t suffering anymore but the world will be a sadder place now that he is gone from us. Live life to the fullest and remember to stop and enjoy the view on your way.

‘There is spirit; there is grace in our peaceful country place.” See you ‘Around the ‘Burg!

Until next week …

[email protected]

With Janet & Judy

For The Register-Herald