PCDP awards more civic development grants

The Preble County Development Partnership announced last week the awarding of three new PCDP Civic Development Grants to three local organizations. Pictured are the recipients of the grants, left to right, Perrica Short (NP Chamber of Commerce), Chris Reke (NP Chamber of Commerce), Justin Sommer (PCDP Economic Development Director), Nicole Wood (NP Chamber of Commerce), Chelse Leonard (NP Chamber of Commerce), Lisa Marling (Preble Players) and Janice Pearce (WA Celebration Committee).

Eddie Mowen Jr. | The Register-Herald

EATON — The Preble County Development Partnership announced last week the awarding of three new PCDP Civic Development Grants to three local organizations.

With funding provided by the Preble County Commissioners, the Civic Development Program seeks to offset the negative impacts the COVID 19 pandemic had on tourism, and attendance at local festivals and events, according to PCDP Economic Development Director Justin Sommer.

The purpose of the Preble County Development Partnership Civic Development Program is to help develop or bolster destination assets and the visitor experience in Preble County driving visitation, overnight stays, and increased visitor spending to area communities; enhance the “liveability” of the area by strengthening Preble County’s destination assets; support and encourage collaboration within Preble County communities, and assist local and regional organizations in need of financial assistance for new or improved projects that are in line with the PCDP mission.

Awards in the amount of $5,000 each were recently granted to:

•New Paris Chamber of Commerce AppleFest — these funds will increase advertising of the festival to attract more visitors to Preble County and will add new attractions and rides to the 2023 festival.

•West Alexandria Celebration Committee — these funds will support the marketing and promotion of multiple events in West Alexandria, including the recently held 4th of July Party in the Park and the upcoming Oktoberfest.

•Preble Players — these funds will offset the costs of sound equipment necessary for outdoor productions, including the upcoming presentation of “Winnie-the-Pooh” at the Garber Nature Center and future performances.

The mission of the Preble County Development Partnership is to advance, encourage, and promote the industrial, commercial and civic development of Preble County. The PCDP is dedicated to making sure that all local economic growth promotes the quality of life and opportunities for our Preble County communities.

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on Twitter @emowenjr.