Guess What’s New in Reading?


Sept. 11, 2001… a day we will never forget. Americans watched in horror as the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, left nearly 3,000 people dead in New York City, Washington, DC and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Americans who are old enough to recall the day, can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. Let’s all remember, 9/11 with books.

America is Under Attack – by Author Don Brown: Brown’s account moves through that fateful day: from the terrorist plane to the crashes at the World Trade Center to the Pentagon and Pennsylvania to the rescue operations to the collapse of the buildings. Vivid watercolor illustrations capture the emotion and pathos of the tragedy making this an important book about an unforgettable day in American history.

Seven and a Half Tons of Steel – by Author Janet Nolan: The United States Navy was given the beam in the World Trade Center. The seven and half tons of steel from the World Trade Center became a Navy ship’s bow. In this book, Nokan has paired stunning illustrations with an inspiring story that reveals how something remarkable can emerge from something devastating. This beautiful book is perfect for American history.

14 Cows for America – by Author Carmen Agra Deedy: This NY Times bestseller recounts the true story of the touching gift bestowed in the US by Maasia people in the wake of the September attacks. Hearts are raw as legendary Maasia warriors offer their gift to a grieving people half a world away. Word of the gift will travel newswires around the globe. A ray of hope. friendship emerges from the darkest overshaddowing the U.S, by way of fourteen cows. With stunning emerging paintings master storyteller Carmen Agra Deedy hits all the right notes in this elegant story of generosity that crosses boundaries, nations and cultures.

30,000 Stitches – The Inspiring Story of the National 9/ll Flag: by Amanda Davis(Author) and Sally Wern Comport(illustrator): In the day following September 11th, a 30 foot American flag became torn and tattered across from Ground Zero where it stayed for nearly seven years. The flag was brought out of storage in 2008 after a grassroots restoration effort that traveled over 120,000 miles across all fifty states and helped America heal and rebuild…hand by hand, thread by thread, one stitch at a time. The National September 11 Museum, where the flag remains today.

This Very Tree – A Story of 9/11 Resilience and Regrowth – by Author Sean Rubin: A deep story about resilience from the point-of-view of the Callery Pear Tree that survived the attack on September 11 and everything changed. The World Trade Center was destroyed and buried under rubble. But, a month after the tragedy struck a shocking discovery was made at Ground Zero – the tree had survived! Dubbed the “Survivor Tree,” a decade later, the tree returned home and was planted in the 9/11 Memorial to provide beauty and comfort…and also for Hope!

The Pew Research Center confirms that shock, sadness, fear, anger, and devastation over the 9/11 attacks took a very emotional toll on Americans. But, as horrible as the events of that day were, a 63 percent majority of Americans said they couldn’t stop watching news coverage of the attacks. Let’s remember and never forget 9/11, one way by reading some of our favorite Patriot Day books. God Bless America!

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