Phillipsburg Water Board meets new clerk


PHILLIPSBURG — Phillipsburg Board of Public Affairs began its September meeting on Sept. 14 by wrapping up some loose ends.

Outgoing Water Clerk Debbie Itzkowitz introduced her successor to the members. Nicole Adamson lives in Englewood and said she learned from Mayor Becky Ford, a friend, that the position was open.

She applied because “Phillipsburg is a nice little town.” She told the board that already she is learning a lot “about things like why streets don’t get fixed sooner” and said it’s too bad everyone can’t work for a village for a short time.

Street and Water Commissioner Wendell Harleman said he has looked further into the need for more propane in the tank powering the generators at the village’s wells.

There’s no reason the village can’t add new propane without draining the old, he said, but noted that a company in Indiana bought the supplier the village used, and he has been unable to get a price quote yet.

The new chlorine reader he ordered finally arrived. He said the company had the order and could not explain why it hadn’t been shipped on time.

The board then turned back to the question of the PFAs (“forever chemicals”) in the village water. There still has not been a ruling from the Environmental Protection Agency as to the permissible level, but Board chairman Mary Combs said the village would need to apply to the EPA for two grants.

The first would list the estimated costs of the remedy, and then after the grant was awarded, the village could submit another grant for the actual costs when it began the work.

“But we need the money for the material up front?” asked Wysong, and the answer was unfortunately yes.

The board also had paperwork for class-action lawsuits against DuPont and 3M corporations, manufacturers of the chemicals.

In discussion, board members said they couldn’t see any downside, as it would cost nothing to join the lawsuits. By joining, they would be signing away any right to file a suit of their own, but they agreed the village could hardly tackle major corporations on their own.

Finally, Wysong moved that Itzkowitz should consult with the village’s solicitor and report back before a final decision was made.

Harleman also asked for and received authorization to purchase two rear tires for the water department’s truck at $520 total. He said he could stretch the transmission filter needed for the truck for another month but said it would take 12 quarts of transmission fluid at $10 a quart.

The next meeting of the board will be at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 12, in the municipal building at 10868 Brookville Phillipsburg Rd.

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