My best friend


I learn something new every day here in HOT Texas. Besides hiding out in the hottest part of the day, which is difficult because it’s hot all day, now I find out that there are all kinds of new things for me to be allergic to.

But the biggest one and the most costly is finding out that Gibbs is even more allergic than I am.

After getting him examined and all his injections in December 2022 to the tune of $402, he had to get another bordatella shot so he could romp with other dogs at the day spa.

Yes, I overindulge my dog, but why not? He’s my bestie. About 2 weeks after his last bordatella meds and a day spa session, he started coughing. Not just any cough, but a real cough from the bottom of his throat and even managed to leave little deposits for me to clean up. Good times!!!

I thought it was just a cold, but no it kept up, worse at night. I googled the symptoms and decided it was indeed kennel cough, which bordatella is supposed to prevent, and I found a possible remedy.

Mix a tablespoon of honey with a bit of water and ta-da, no more cough. At least for a few hours. After a week of that I finally gave in and called the vet and made an appointment.

Well, that went totally sideways. The vet told me she was convinced it was an allergy completely unlike anything he might have had in Ohio. Her solution after the physical exam was to do an X-ray and some kind of scope to see what is going on.

My mind starting whirling and all I could see was dollar signs, but being the good dog mother I am, I said, go ahead and do what you have to do. Maybe I should have said but try to keep the charge below a thousand. Ha! I thought that was a joke.

After his procedure the vet called me and gave me his diagnosis. He has Texas allergies, unlike other state allergies, I guess, and an eye infection. He will now need to take two medications for a month and come back for another hit on my Visa card, and I do have other news.

We usually have a radiologist read the X-rays even though I am sure his are normal and the radiologist charges $100. My eyes rolled back into my head and I twitched a bit and said, “I think I’ll accept your reading and will go with the radiologist if Gibbs doesn’t improve greatly.”

When I picked him up after his procedure, I whipped out my Visa card and cried as she said that will be $793! I immediately fell to the ground and had an out of body experience but I soon recovered after the receptionist threw a bucket of water on me, but managed to keep the Visa card dry.

Earlier this year, Steve and I took Gibbs to doggy dip at a local pool. As we were pulling into the parking lot, Gibbs managed to fall out of the window and hurt his foot. That cost me $200. I have spent less than $200 on myself for medical expenses this year.

Luckily I have Medicare and other insurance. Pet insurance is way too expensive, so I may have to get a job at McDonalds just for Gibb’s vet bills.

So far this year I have spent almost $1,500 on Gibbs, but when he looks at me with those big brown eyes matted with goo from his eye infection, I love that dog so much.

Kaye Brown is a former Preble County resident who now resides in Texas. Reach her at [email protected].

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